Wednesday 13 February 2013

The Significance of 8
Just as the Tesseract is considered to be one of the most powerfully balancing geometric forms, and stimulates us to reach beyond 3-D into additional dimensions, “8” brings a multitude of cosmic global, and historic resonances.

tesseract, 4-D cube, fourth dimension8 is an integral part of a Tesseract. For example, the Tesseract is composed of 8 cubes, has 16 polytope vertices, 32 polytope edges, 24 squares, and can also be called “8-cell or octachoron”.

A quick scan through history tells us that the Egyptians for example, considered 8 as the numeral of “balance” and “cosmic” order. Similarly, in China, 8 is considered to express the totality of the universe. The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching are generated from a foundation of 8 Trigrams. Interestingly, modern geneticists, coming from an entirely different perspective have found that the DNA-RNA "dialogue" - the molecular information system governing life and evolution - is transmitted by 64 (8x8) codons. According to Lao Tzu, the 8th interval is "the sound of universal harmony between the forces of yin and yang." Chinese tradition talks of 8 Taoist “Immortals”, whilst the Incan tradition will tell of “The 8 Ancestors”.

Throughout many cultures there is a recurring resonance with 8. Indian Mandalas that are based on multiples of the number 8 represent the reflection of the celestial world on earth. 8 is (arguably) considered by some to be the total number of primary Chakras of the human, counting the seven in correlation with the physical body, plus one, working in the etheric body. This 8th Chakra is known as the "the Soul or Star Chakra" located 7 to 10 centimeters above that of the Crown Chakra. Many modalities consider 8 to represent "an octave higher".

Octaves and Harmonics

Pythagoras.jpgIn and about the time of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras (ca. 570 to ca. 490 BC), it became established that the central harmonics of a conventional musical scale (the octave, fifth and fourth), correspond to the whole number ratios 2 : 1, 3 : 2 and 4 : 3 respectively. The octave (Latin, = eighth, ratio 2:1) is therefore, an integral multiple of a fundamental, being the 1st overtone having a vibratory frequency which is twice that of the fundamental. 

piano_keyboard_and_intervals.jpgWe can “see” an octave on a modern piano keyboard, there being seven notes in the scale with the 8th - being the repeat of the first, - its 8ve. Interestingly this 8th note, the 8ve, has a dual role in that it is at one and the same time, the 1st overtone of the root note in a lower scale and also the 1st or root note in the next upper scale.

"Nowhere else in nature does one find a better aid for grasping the conception of corresponding orders on different levels of being than in the musical scale, which replicates itself every octave in a similarity that is yet not an identity"
Jocelyn Godwin “The Harmony of the Spheres”: a Sourcebook of the Pythagorean Tradition in Music.
For a more detailed insight into harmony we strongly recommend the following site. 

Science and Chemistry

Nikola_Tesla.jpgScientists will say that the numeral 8 (the octonary) is believed to be an agent of universal order as it combines the terrestrial square and eternal circle.

“Everything in the universe obeys a law of Octaves.” Nikola Tesla Croatian-American inventor and electrical engineer (1856-1943).


Dmitri Mendeléev’s Periodic Table of Elements, following on the discovery by English chemist John Newland in the 1860s, tells us that all the chemical elements fall into 8 families: Alkalis, Alkalines, Borons, Carbons, Nitrogens, Oxygens, Halogens, Noble Gases. 

oxygen.jpg8 is the Atomic number of oxygen, one of the most abundant chemical elements on Earth.

About one-half of the earth's crust is made up of chemical compounds containing oxygen, and a fifth of our atmosphere is oxygen gas.
The human body is about two-thirds oxygen!
It is an interesting resonance that as 8 is the first cubic number; it is said to represent the “volume” of the earth.


Infinity.jpgWhen placed on its side, 8 becomes the mathematical symbol of “Infinity” and is called a lemniscate. In turn, infinity can come to symbolize the constant flow of energy, perpetual motion, the continuance of life. 


caduceus.jpgIn medicine, 8 may also be related to the representation of the “caduceus” where two snakes form several figure eights as stability or balance of opposing forces.


As can be observed from this brief overview of the role “8” has played throughout time, we see that it is a very significant symbol.

It is written that symbols survive the test of time because they are a potent form of compact energy. They are in effect patterns which, as precursor to words, speak to, interact with, and are best comprehended by our unconscious. The potency of their vibration is able to act upon our essence.

Symbolically, for Christians 8 represents “resurrection”, for Buddhists, “completion”. To the Islamic 8 angels support the throne that encompasses the world, and for a Hindu, there are eight guardians of the universe. To the Egyptians 8 is the “Sacred number of Thoth”, and to the Gnostic it is the number of Jesus. The Chinese consider it a sign of Prosperity and 8 is the number of greatness in Japan.

Numerologically, 8 is the number of power, and it is taught in this context that power, in any form, cannot be maintained without “balance”.

“8” @Tesseract8

The references cited above are not for curiosity purposes, “8” resonates throughout many aspects of our work at Tesseract8. There is a numerological reference to the perception that 8 thrives on “truth”, in that it is deemed to produce reflections of ourselves. This concept, mirrors our process in which the Acoustic Cocoon is intended as an audio reflection, through which we at Tesseract8 assist the recipient in their quest to resonate back towards inner energy balance, - which is essentially inner truth. 
 As inner balance is restored, there is a lessening of energy depletion and dissipation. This in turn is an empowering thing. The “key” to this empowerment is “balance”. Just as an inherent balance or harmony exists throughout sound, though we can distort it for our entertainment and pleasure, we too must seek out the untempered “true” frequencies which are the foundations of our inner energetic core. It can be extremely difficult to do this, and assistance in this endeavor is the objective of an Acoustic Cocoon.
In the article “Tesseract explained” it becomes clear that multi-dimensions may exist. When we grasp the existence of a core energy anatomy, we essentially concur with Einstein when he stated:   
 “On such things as matter we have all been wrong, what we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”  
If, as Einstein stated “matter is energy cloaked in a different form", then the “matter” of our physical anatomy is energy at a lower rate of vibration, i.e. the “cloaked form” of our energy anatomy. When we seek to dialogue with this core energy anatomy, we are attempting to establish a dialogue within ourselves that requires a richer language than words. The higher frequencies of our energy anatomy require us to find a higher order language with which to communicate.
As yet, the roadmaps to this vast, largely uncharted territory –the energy anatomy - are in a rudimentary state as the language through which they are plotted is vibratory and not linguistic. We have therefore to reach beyond the structured word into the essence of “sound” itself.

Sound is the bedrock of human communication woven since time immemorial into language and music. In his famous article "Music at Night", (1931) author Aldous Huxley wrote:
“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music”
Of course, “music” is essentially harnessed and organized sound. However, when music fails to “express the inexpressible”, we must delve deeper into the rudimentary building blocks of sound, into the frequencies and vibrations which create the waves.

This has been the direction of our work at Tesseract8, and it is no co-incidence that as we research deeper into more subtle energy levels we find ourselves working with 8 dimensions of the energy anatomy.  For this purpose we divide the Frequency Balancing course into 8 modules, as these eight dimensions are best analysed individually at first, - just as a musical composer will write for each instrument individually, - before integrating the orchestral work into a unified whole.

From the recipients view point, each module is of 8 weeks duration. During this time they will have their energies analysed 3 times and receive 3 Acoustic Cocoons. On completion of the entire course, their energies will have been evaluated 24 times, and they will have received 24 Acoustic Cocoons (a multiple of 8).


At this time, our work is focused on 8 energetic dimensions which refer to our energy anatomy and are vibratory in essence. These dimensions are not tangible within the confines of our 3-D perspective. Our quest has been to establish a link, - a language (not subject to 3-D restraints) through which we can dialogue with the subtle dimensions of the energy anatomy.

We have determined a relationship, - a resonance, - between the fundamentals of sound i.e. frequencies and the energy anatomy. This relationship constitutes the language we use both in the analysis of voice samples and the composition of each Acoustic Cocoon.
Because of the need to extend beyond 3-D, we choose the “Tesseract” and as a potent symbol of eternal motion, spirals, octaves, rhythms, vibrations, and integration - which resonates throughout our work, - we choose “8”.

Source :

Funky facts about 8

As this will eventually be the eighth page of the FUNKALICIOUS blog, I’m dedicating the first one to the number-8.  I’ve listed eight FUNKY aspects of symbolism about the number 8, that may be enlightening.
Among these eight principles of the number 8 are things I’ve heard before.  They as well as several other properties of eight can be found on the website .multiple8s 300x200 EIGHT FUNKY FACTS ABOUT 8
  • Number of the perfection, the infinity. In mathematics the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down.
  •  It represents also the final point of the manifestation.
  • In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe.
  • Number of the balance and of the cosmic order, according to the Egyptians.
  • The number eight corresponds to the New Testament, according to Ambroise.
  • It is the symbol of the new Life, the final Resurrection and the anticipated Resurrection that is the baptism.
  • Represent the earth, not in its surface but in its volume, since 8 is the first cubic number.
  • The number 8 means the multiplicity, for the Japanese.
  • A favorable number, associated to the prosperity.
chineseluck8 300x292 EIGHT FUNKY FACTS ABOUT 8

One of the earliest meanings of the number eight that I can recall hearing was the aspect of breaking through, to open.  No matter what you’ve heard, all the dynamics of the number 8 lend to positivity, whether you subscribe to numerology or not.  It’s not so much that I do, however I definitely believe that there’s dynamics of relevance in all variables of philosophy.villanumber8 300x300 EIGHT FUNKY FACTS ABOUT 8
red8 EIGHT FUNKY FACTS ABOUT 8Throughout our lives we’ve heard phrases using the number-8.  Behind the eight ball; Eight ball corner pocket is common when playing pool; I could’ve had a V-8 is a popular slogan; Crazy Eights is a card game; and Eight is Enough was a popular TV show.  As The Museum of UnCut Funk is growing exponentially, we’re currently fortunate to have eight people interested in joining our merry band of FUNK-A-TEERS as new writers for the site.

It is said that eight is a lucky number in Chinese culture.  The image above is symbolic for luck in China.  The Mandarin word for eight, ‘ ba’ sounds close to the word for wealth, ‘fa’. In Cantonese eight, ‘baat’ sounds like the word for fortune, ‘faat’. Thus many people believe eight is a number linked to prosperity.  The Chinese try to get the number eight in phone numbers, addresses, even car license plates. The Beijing Olympics began on 8/8/08 at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm.
And that’s the straight on the number-eight, nothing too deep, just one for those that may pass through to think about.



Secret Meaning of the Number 8

One of the earliest references to Shakespeare’s name links it with Pythagoras in three of his plays, each time in connection with the concept of the transmigration of souls. Pythagoras says this about numbers; “All is number.” 

Serpent Eating T
The number 8, which the arithmeticians call the first actual square, has been named, by the Pythagorean Philo— laus the name of geometrical harmony, because he thinks he recognizes in it all the harmonic relations which you will find that in mathematics that the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down. It was the Pythagoreans who held that there are in man eight organs of knowledge; sense, fantasy, art, opinion, prudence, science, wisdom, and mind.

Eight is represented in “The Magic Star of Venus,” and by the Chaldeans as the 8-pointed Star of Venus. 

venus pentagram

Amongst the Jews, 8 is the number of circumcision, because that ceremony took place on the eighth day. In Christianity there are eight beatitudes: poverty of spirit; mourning; meekness; desire of righteousness; mercy; purity of heart; the peacemaker; and suffering for the sake of righteousness. Saint Joseph endured during eight years various great sufferings before to die. We find 8 again in the story of Noah’s Ark in which the deluge was commemorated by eight persons who had been saved in the ark. This is also represented in Freemasonry as the degrees of the Royal Ark Mariners, the Noachites, and the Ark and Dove.

The reality is that when most people see the number 8, they just see a plain old number. Little do they know that many numbers like 8 have an occult meaning attached to them. For example, the Tower of Belus in Babylon is made of eight square towers. In Egypt, Thoth had eight disciples which was the number of the balance and of the cosmic order and according to Herodotus, the reign of gods in Egypt would have started with a first group of eight gods to the head of which was Pan. The Greeks had dedicated the number 8 to Dionysius who was born in the eighth month of the year.

Dionysus on Leop

Then we have the first Roman Emperor that we know of today as Octavian Augustus Caesar. The name Octavian was given to him just like it had been assigned to the Number 8. This is why the number 8 in music would be the form of an Octave. Hence, when musicians hit an Octave note when making music, they are not just playing an Octave, but are also playing Octavian Caesar’s immortal tune. According to Clement of Alexandria, the Christ places under the sign of 8 the one he made to be born again and the Temple of Jerusalem eight gates from which the eighth gate would open only for the Messiah.

Please keep in mind that is the whole point of this biblical magic. As Above, So Below and the So Below doesn’t stop there because in order to properly honor the morning star, you have to do it in style with as many So Belows as possible in order to bring the As Above into manifestation.

Augustus Caesar immortalized with the name Octavian, he had also changed the calendar from that of the Egyptians to the Roman Calendar in which his Father was assigned the month of July for Julius and Augustus was assigned the “8th” month of the year to that we of course know of us as the month of August. Then in math we see the number “8″ sided shape in Geometry called the “Octagon” named after Octavian or we have the “8″ limbed creature from the sea called the Octupuss.

In addition to these magical “Number 8 Octavian Revelations” that I had listed above, let me also point out that in “8 BC“ Augustus Caesar had reformed the ancient Egyptian calendar to the new magical Roman calendar that magically bumped up time from 8 BC all the way to “8 AD.” This was also the time when he had added the month of August to go after his father Julius’ month of July. Now we couple all the above number Octavian 8 truths with the fact that Augustus Caesar had reigned from 63BC – 14AD which equals 8 multiplied by the divine number 10 and we get 80 years. Hopefully you are beginning to get the magical number point of how the Brotherhood assigns numbers to immortal souls.

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    • Number of the perfection, the infinity. In mathematics the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down.
    • Symbol of the cosmic Christ.
    • Number figuring the immutable eternity or the self-destruction. It represents also the final point of the manifestation.
    • In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe.
    • Number of the balance and of the cosmic order, according to the Egyptians.
    • Number expressing the matter, it is also the symbol of the incarnation in the matter which becomes itself creative and autonomous, governing its own laws.
    • The number eight corresponds to the New Testament, according to Ambroise.
    • It is the symbol of the new Life, the final Resurrection and the anticipated Resurrection that is the baptism.
    • According to Clement of Alexandria, the Christ places under the sign of 8 the one he made to be born again.
    • Represent the totality and the coherence of the creation in evolution. In China, it expresses the totality of the universe.
    • Represent the earth, not in its surface but in its volume, since 8 is the first cubic number.
    • The Pythagoreans have made the number 8 the symbol of the love and the friendship, the prudence and the thinking and they have called it the Great "Tetrachtys".
    • In Babylon, in Egypt and in Arabia, it was the number of the duplication devoted to the sun, from where the solar disc is decorated of a cross with eight arms.
    • The number 8 means the multiplicity, for the Japanese.
    • A favorable number, associated to the prosperity.
    • It is the number of the restful day, after the 7th day of the creation.


    • The eight beatitudes of the sermon on the mountain. (Mt 5,3-11)
    • The eight sentences of the Magnificat or Hymn of Mary. (Lk 1,46-56)
    • Jesus was circumcized eight days after his birth, according to the law established. (Lv 12,3; Gn 17,12 and 21,4; Lk 2,21)
    • The eight steps of the staircase leading to the external square of the Ezekiel's temple. (Ezk 40,26)
    • The eight creative words of God in six days, in Genesis chapter 1, verses 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26.
    • The eight persons who were saved from the Flood in Noah's Ark. (Gn 7,13)


    • Saint Joseph endured during eight years various great sufferings before to die, according to visions of Mary Agreda.
    • The Cabalists affirm that there were in the Temple of Jerusalem eight gates from which the eighth gate would open only for the Messiah.
    • Eight is the total number of Chakras of the man, counting the seven in correlation with the physical body, plus an additional working in the etheric body. This eighth Chakra is known as being "the Chakra of the Soul" or "the Star Chakra". It would be located approximately 7 to 10 centimeters above of the Crown Chakra.
    • The eight great gods of the Vedas: Surya, Candra, Agni, Yama, Varuna, Indra, Vâyu and Kubera.
    • The eight "trigrams" of "Fou-Hi" Chinese philosopher.
    • Plato remained with his master the Greek philosopher Socrates during eight years.
    • The eight parts of the way which leads to the nirvana, according to the Buddhist doctrines: the faith, the right judgement, the right language, a right and pure action, a right profession, the application of the spirit to all the precepts of the law, the right memory and the right meditation.
    • The Buddhists count eight symbols of long life of which one of them is the infinite node being rolled up and withdrawn on itself.
    • There are eight degrees of Buddhist monks or "Aryas" and the highest is named "Arhat".
    • According to a Buddhist legend, Buddha's ashes was separated in eight parts.
    • The lotus is represented symbolically with 8 petals and according to yogis, it is on a lotus with 8 petals that the "Mêru" mount is erected which, symbolically, represents the center and the axis of the world.
    • The Yoga counts eight training courses: Yama, the restriction; Niyama, religious observances; Asana, the posture; Pranayama, the control of the breathing; Praty-ahara, the restriction of senses; Dharana, the concentration; Dhyana, the contemplation and Samadhi, the ecstasy.
    • The Avesta mentions eight categories of priest: a superior, the Zaotar, which recites the texts, and seven subordinates: the Havanan which crushes the Homa in the mortar, the Atarevakhsha which maintains the fire, the fraberetar being in charge of the instruments for the Sacrifice, the Aberet carrying the holy water, the Acnatar that washes the sacred vases, the Raethwiskar that purifies the soiled men and objects, and the Craoshavereza or confessor.
    • In the religion of Zarathustra, there were eight instruments used for the cult: the Atashdan, reservoir for fire; the Havana or mortar; the Barecma, or beam of sacred palms; the Tali, tray of the offerings; the Tasta or cup of gold; the strainer with nine holes for the Homa; the Avand, vase for purifications; the Musrhabe, wash-hand basin for the priest.
    • The eight categories of priests of Zarathustra.
    • For the Indians, there are the eight modes of marriage mentioned by Manou: mode of Brahma, Devas, Rishis, Pradjapatis, Asouras, Ghandarvas, Rakchasas and Pisatchas.
    • The eight disciples of Thot, in Egypt.
    • According to Herodotus, the reign of gods in Egypt would have started with a first group of eight gods to the head of which was Pan.
    • For the Greeks, the number 8 was dedicated to Dyonisios, born the eighth month of the year.
    • The eight divisions of the sky of the Greek tradition.
    • The eight Rules of command of the "Chou-King".
    • The eight ministers of the Chinese Empire.
    • The eight pillars of the "Ming-Tang".
    • The eight forms of Shiva, sometimes illustrated by 8 "lingams" laid out around a central "lingam".
    • The eight arms of Vishnu.
    • The eight divinities guardians of the Tibet.
    • The eight "Selecti" gods of the Romans.
    • The eight gods of Xenocrate.
    • The eight legs of the Sheipner horse, the gray horse of Odin.
    • The eight animals which accompany the Mahometan believers in the paradise.
    • The Great Year of 25920 years is divided into eight great terrestrial cycles that are called Age: Golden age, Age of money, Age of bronze and Age of iron, and each is repeated twice.
    • Creusot points out that the prayer of saint Francis of Assisi on the peace contains eight requests to the Lord:
      1. Lord, make me an instrument of peace.
      2. Where is the hatred, let me put love.
      3. Where is the offense, let me put forgiveness.
      4. Where is the discord, let me put union.
      5. Where is the error, let me put truth.
      6. Where is the doubt, let me put faith.
      7. Where is the despair, let me put hope.
      8. Where are darkness, let me put light.
      9. Where is the sadness, let me put the joy.

    • The Tower of Belus in Babylon is made of eight square towers.
    • An octagonal building in Hiroshima contains the statues of eight great wise man of the world: the Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Jesus, the prince Shotoku, Kobo Daishi and two Japanese priests.
    • The number eight governs the life of the man: at 8 month the baby teeth appear; at 8 years, he loses them; at 2 x 8 years, it is the puberty; and he becomes impotent at 8 x 8 years.
    • In mathematics, a number is divisible by 8 when this one is formed by its three last numbers is too.
    • Anniversary of marriage: weddings of bronze, electricity or rubber.


    • The number 8 is used 73 times in the Bible.
    • Numbers 29, 42, 4500, 22000 and 40000 are used 8 times in the Bible.
    • The number 8 is used four times in the Koran. (Koran VI,144; XXVIII,27; XXXIX,8 and LXIX,7)
    • There are eight numbers, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 12, that are common to the four Gospels and the Revelation, it means that each one of them is used at least once in the Revelation and in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

    8 and its properties

    Properties of the number 8


    • Number of the perfection, the infinity. In mathematics the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down.
    • Symbol of the cosmic Christ.
    • Number figuring the immutable eternity or the self-destruction. It represents also the final point of the manifestation.
    • In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe.
    • Number of the balance and of the cosmic order, according to the Egyptians.
    • Number expressing the matter, it is also the symbol of the incarnation in the matter which becomes itself creative and autonomous, governing its own laws.
    • The number eight corresponds to the New Testament, according to Ambroise.
    • It is the symbol of the new Life, the final Resurrection and the anticipated Resurrection that is the baptism.
    • According to Clement of Alexandria, the Christ places under the sign of 8 the one he made to be born again.
    • Represent the totality and the coherence of the creation in evolution. In China, it expresses the totality of the universe.
    • Represent the earth, not in its surface but in its volume, since 8 is the first cubic number.
    • The Pythagoreans have made the number 8 the symbol of the love and the friendship, the prudence and the thinking and they have called it the Great "Tetrachtys".
    • In Babylon, in Egypt and in Arabia, it was the number of the duplication devoted to the sun, from where the solar disc is decorated of a cross with eight arms.
    • The number 8 means the multiplicity, for the Japanese.
    • A favorable number, associated to the prosperity.
    • It is the number of the restful day, after the 7th day of the creation.


    • The eight beatitudes of the sermon on the mountain. (Mt 5,3-11)
    • The eight sentences of the Magnificat or Hymn of Mary. (Lk 1,46-56)
    • Jesus was circumcized eight days after his birth, according to the law established. (Lv 12,3; Gn 17,12 and 21,4; Lk 2,21)
    • The eight steps of the staircase leading to the external square of the Ezekiel's temple. (Ezk 40,26)
    • The eight creative words of God in six days, in Genesis chapter 1, verses 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26.
    • The eight persons who were saved from the Flood in Noah's Ark. (Gn 7,13)


    • Saint Joseph endured during eight years various great sufferings before to die, according to visions of Mary Agreda.
    • The Cabalists affirm that there were in the Temple of Jerusalem eight gates from which the eighth gate would open only for the Messiah.
    • Eight is the total number of Chakras of the man, counting the seven in correlation with the physical body, plus an additional working in the etheric body. This eighth Chakra is known as being "the Chakra of the Soul" or "the Star Chakra". It would be located approximately 7 to 10 centimeters above of the Crown Chakra.
    • The eight great gods of the Vedas: Surya, Candra, Agni, Yama, Varuna, Indra, Vâyu and Kubera.
    • The eight "trigrams" of "Fou-Hi" Chinese philosopher.
    • Plato remained with his master the Greek philosopher Socrates during eight years.
    • The eight parts of the way which leads to the nirvana, according to the Buddhist doctrines: the faith, the right judgement, the right language, a right and pure action, a right profession, the application of the spirit to all the precepts of the law, the right memory and the right meditation.
    • The Buddhists count eight symbols of long life of which one of them is the infinite node being rolled up and withdrawn on itself.
    • There are eight degrees of Buddhist monks or "Aryas" and the highest is named "Arhat".
    • According to a Buddhist legend, Buddha's ashes was separated in eight parts.
    • The lotus is represented symbolically with 8 petals and according to yogis, it is on a lotus with 8 petals that the "Mêru" mount is erected which, symbolically, represents the center and the axis of the world.
    • The Yoga counts eight training courses: Yama, the restriction; Niyama, religious observances; Asana, the posture; Pranayama, the control of the breathing; Praty-ahara, the restriction of senses; Dharana, the concentration; Dhyana, the contemplation and Samadhi, the ecstasy.
    • The Avesta mentions eight categories of priest: a superior, the Zaotar, which recites the texts, and seven subordinates: the Havanan which crushes the Homa in the mortar, the Atarevakhsha which maintains the fire, the fraberetar being in charge of the instruments for the Sacrifice, the Aberet carrying the holy water, the Acnatar that washes the sacred vases, the Raethwiskar that purifies the soiled men and objects, and the Craoshavereza or confessor.
    • In the religion of Zarathustra, there were eight instruments used for the cult: the Atashdan, reservoir for fire; the Havana or mortar; the Barecma, or beam of sacred palms; the Tali, tray of the offerings; the Tasta or cup of gold; the strainer with nine holes for the Homa; the Avand, vase for purifications; the Musrhabe, wash-hand basin for the priest.
    • The eight categories of priests of Zarathustra.
    • For the Indians, there are the eight modes of marriage mentioned by Manou: mode of Brahma, Devas, Rishis, Pradjapatis, Asouras, Ghandarvas, Rakchasas and Pisatchas.
    • The eight disciples of Thot, in Egypt.
    • According to Herodotus, the reign of gods in Egypt would have started with a first group of eight gods to the head of which was Pan.
    • For the Greeks, the number 8 was dedicated to Dyonisios, born the eighth month of the year.
    • The eight divisions of the sky of the Greek tradition.
    • The eight Rules of command of the "Chou-King".
    • The eight ministers of the Chinese Empire.
    • The eight pillars of the "Ming-Tang".
    • The eight forms of Shiva, sometimes illustrated by 8 "lingams" laid out around a central "lingam".
    • The eight arms of Vishnu.
    • The eight divinities guardians of the Tibet.
    • The eight "Selecti" gods of the Romans.
    • The eight gods of Xenocrate.
    • The eight legs of the Sheipner horse, the gray horse of Odin.
    • The eight animals which accompany the Mahometan believers in the paradise.
    • The Great Year of 25920 years is divided into eight great terrestrial cycles that are called Age: Golden age, Age of money, Age of bronze and Age of iron, and each is repeated twice.
    • Creusot points out that the prayer of saint Francis of Assisi on the peace contains eight requests to the Lord:
      1. Lord, make me an instrument of peace.
      2. Where is the hatred, let me put love.
      3. Where is the offense, let me put forgiveness.
      4. Where is the discord, let me put union.
      5. Where is the error, let me put truth.
      6. Where is the doubt, let me put faith.
      7. Where is the despair, let me put hope.
      8. Where are darkness, let me put light.
      9. Where is the sadness, let me put the joy.
    • The Tower of Belus in Babylon is made of eight square towers.
    • An octagonal building in Hiroshima contains the statues of eight great wise man of the world: the Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Jesus, the prince Shotoku, Kobo Daishi and two Japanese priests.
    • The number eight governs the life of the man: at 8 month the baby teeth appear; at 8 years, he loses them; at 2 x 8 years, it is the puberty; and he becomes impotent at 8 x 8 years.
    • In mathematics, a number is divisible by 8 when this one is formed by its three last numbers is too.
    • Anniversary of marriage: weddings of bronze, electricity or rubber.


    • The number 8 is used 73 times in the Bible.
    • Numbers 29, 42, 4500, 22000 and 40000 are used 8 times in the Bible.
    • The number 8 is used four times in the Koran. (Koran VI,144; XXVIII,27; XXXIX,8 and LXIX,7)
    • There are eight numbers, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 12, that are common to the four Gospels and the Revelation, it means that each one of them is used at least once in the Revelation and in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.