Wednesday 13 February 2013

Secret Meaning of the Number 8

One of the earliest references to Shakespeare’s name links it with Pythagoras in three of his plays, each time in connection with the concept of the transmigration of souls. Pythagoras says this about numbers; “All is number.” 

Serpent Eating T
The number 8, which the arithmeticians call the first actual square, has been named, by the Pythagorean Philo— laus the name of geometrical harmony, because he thinks he recognizes in it all the harmonic relations which you will find that in mathematics that the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down. It was the Pythagoreans who held that there are in man eight organs of knowledge; sense, fantasy, art, opinion, prudence, science, wisdom, and mind.

Eight is represented in “The Magic Star of Venus,” and by the Chaldeans as the 8-pointed Star of Venus. 

venus pentagram

Amongst the Jews, 8 is the number of circumcision, because that ceremony took place on the eighth day. In Christianity there are eight beatitudes: poverty of spirit; mourning; meekness; desire of righteousness; mercy; purity of heart; the peacemaker; and suffering for the sake of righteousness. Saint Joseph endured during eight years various great sufferings before to die. We find 8 again in the story of Noah’s Ark in which the deluge was commemorated by eight persons who had been saved in the ark. This is also represented in Freemasonry as the degrees of the Royal Ark Mariners, the Noachites, and the Ark and Dove.

The reality is that when most people see the number 8, they just see a plain old number. Little do they know that many numbers like 8 have an occult meaning attached to them. For example, the Tower of Belus in Babylon is made of eight square towers. In Egypt, Thoth had eight disciples which was the number of the balance and of the cosmic order and according to Herodotus, the reign of gods in Egypt would have started with a first group of eight gods to the head of which was Pan. The Greeks had dedicated the number 8 to Dionysius who was born in the eighth month of the year.

Dionysus on Leop

Then we have the first Roman Emperor that we know of today as Octavian Augustus Caesar. The name Octavian was given to him just like it had been assigned to the Number 8. This is why the number 8 in music would be the form of an Octave. Hence, when musicians hit an Octave note when making music, they are not just playing an Octave, but are also playing Octavian Caesar’s immortal tune. According to Clement of Alexandria, the Christ places under the sign of 8 the one he made to be born again and the Temple of Jerusalem eight gates from which the eighth gate would open only for the Messiah.

Please keep in mind that is the whole point of this biblical magic. As Above, So Below and the So Below doesn’t stop there because in order to properly honor the morning star, you have to do it in style with as many So Belows as possible in order to bring the As Above into manifestation.

Augustus Caesar immortalized with the name Octavian, he had also changed the calendar from that of the Egyptians to the Roman Calendar in which his Father was assigned the month of July for Julius and Augustus was assigned the “8th” month of the year to that we of course know of us as the month of August. Then in math we see the number “8″ sided shape in Geometry called the “Octagon” named after Octavian or we have the “8″ limbed creature from the sea called the Octupuss.

In addition to these magical “Number 8 Octavian Revelations” that I had listed above, let me also point out that in “8 BC“ Augustus Caesar had reformed the ancient Egyptian calendar to the new magical Roman calendar that magically bumped up time from 8 BC all the way to “8 AD.” This was also the time when he had added the month of August to go after his father Julius’ month of July. Now we couple all the above number Octavian 8 truths with the fact that Augustus Caesar had reigned from 63BC – 14AD which equals 8 multiplied by the divine number 10 and we get 80 years. Hopefully you are beginning to get the magical number point of how the Brotherhood assigns numbers to immortal souls.

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